
Course Description

For children entering Grades 1-3 in the fall:

Calling all marine biologists! This week we will take you deep into the ocean. We will check out fish, whales, dolphins and sea horses. How do they live? Who eats who? Did you know that 70% of the worlds oxygen comes from plants in the ocean? Join us and get a glimpse of a world that we don't get to sea every day.


Payment and Registration: 

Payment for camp is required at time of registration. 

Registration must be completed online. You will need to pay with a VISA or MasterCard credit card or VISA or MasterCard credit debit card only.

Please review all Camp OC FAQs and Processes including our waitlist, transfer and refund processes. 

Participant Information and Parent/Guardian Informed Consent Forms are part of the Registration Process online. 



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