
Course Description

For children entering grades 4-6 in the fall: 

If you think LEGO® is just a toy for little kids, think again! Join us and let’s investigate everything from basic mechanical principles to advanced motor-powered machines and have fun doing it. Design, develop, build, and test your machines, then add modifications to improve your structures and designs. Have fun with fellow campers and challenge yourself and your friends to contests and races. 


Payment and Registration:

Payment for camp is required at time of registration.

Registration must be completed online. You will need to pay with a VISA or MasterCard credit card or VISA or MasterCard credit debit card only. 

Please review all Camp OC FAQs and Processes  including our waitlist, transfer and refund processes.

Participant Information and Parent/Guardian Informed Consent Forms are part of the Registration Process online.


Thank you for your interest in this course. Unfortunately, the course you have selected is currently not open for enrollment. Please complete a Course Inquiry so that we may promptly notify you when enrollment opens.
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