
Course Description

Practical Welder Test - Technical Safety (Welder PWP Test)

PWP and A Class Renewal

How to prepare:

Please remember to bring your own PPE (helmet, gloves, non-synthetic coveralls, and/or non-synthetic long pants (jeans), long sleeved non-synthetic (cotton) shirt, CSA approved safety boots, etc.).

A toolbox will be provided to you.

Face masks and/or a respirator must be worn in the Welding shop at all times.

Enter the Trades compound through the East Man-Gate and meet in the Welding shop (T140) at 7:30 a.m. A campus map can be found online.

Tuition fee is for test day only; additional upgrading can be booked separately.

Please contact the welding department: welding@okanagan.bc.ca with any questions.

Please register using full legal name as shown on government identification.


Admission Requirements:

Welder must have a valid Class A (RTA) in order to obtain a PWP.

Welders must read and sign the Weld Testing and Booth Rental Policies before entering the weld shop. Completed forms can be emailed to welding@okanagan.bc.ca.

Weld Testing and Booth Rental Policy

Enroll Now - Select a section to enroll in
Section Title
Pract. Weld Test - Tech Safe
Section Schedule
Date and Time TBA
Course Fee(s)
Tuition $399.00
Drop Request Deadline
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